
ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH: Mass Intentions for the Week of January 30


Press release submission Jan 30, 2022


Here are upcoming Mass times intentions for Assumption Catholic Church - Minneapolis, MN: 

Mass Intentions

Saturday, Jan. 29/Sabado, 29 de enero

4 p.m., St. Peter/San Pedro Claire Braun

Sunday, Jan. 30/Domingo, 30 de enero

8 a.m., St. Peter/San Pedro For the Parish

9 a.m., Assumption/Asunción For the Parish

10 a.m., St. Richard For the Parish

11 a.m., Assumption/Asunción Flavio Cesar Rosas Rios (†)

1 p.m., St. Peter/San Pedro Nieves Molina (†)

Tuesday, Feb. 1/Martes, 1 de febrero

8 a.m., St. Richard/San Ricardo Eloise Herriges (†)

Wednesday, Feb. 2/Miercoles, 2 de febrero

8 a.m., Assumption/Asunción Terese Merriman (†)

Friday, Feb. 4/Viernes, 4 de febrero

8 a.m., Assumption/Asunción Catherine Husting (†)

5:30 p.m., Assumption/Asunción Evelyn Hartze (†)

Saturday, Feb. 5/Sabado, 5 de febrero

Noon, St. Peter/San Pedro Teresa Braun

4 p.m., St. Peter/San Pedro Richard Nymoen (†)

Sunday, Feb. 6/Domingo, 6 de febrero

8 a.m., St. Peter/San Pedro

For the Parents (†) of Richard and Gaye Mandt

9 a.m., Assumption/Asunción For the Parish

10 a.m., St. Richard/San Ricardo Rita Dexter (†)

11 a.m., Assumption/Asunción Flavio Cesar Rosas Rios (†)

Noon, St. Richard/San Ricardo For the Parish

1 p.m., St. Peter/San Pedro For the Parish

For information on how to schedule Mass intentions, contact your parish office.

The full bulletin for the coming week can be found here.

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