
Diocese of Winona-Rochester: 'St. Joseph, pray for us! St. Isidore the Farmer, pray for us!'


Laurie A. Luebbert May 19, 2022

Saint isidore the laborer statue 1200
Statue of St. Isidore the Farmer | Wikimedia Commons (public domain); photographer: Judge Florentino Floro

With farming season upon the area, the Diocese of Winona-Rochester recently asked Sts. Joseph and Isidore for the protection of crops.

“As planting begins for farmers, let us pray to St. Joseph (and St. Isidore, patron of farmers, whose feast we celebrated on Sunday) for protection of all crops and farm industries,” the diocese posted on Facebook this week. 

It followed that with the words of “The Farmer’s Prayer” and closed with the plea, “St. Joseph, pray for us! St. Isidore the Farmer, pray for us!”

St. Isidore, the patron saint of farmers, was born in Madrid, Spain, around the year 1070.

A report on Catholic.org said Isidore experienced celestial visions and was often visited by angels. Other reports expand upon that. 

Although St. Isidore's family was poor monetarily, they were rich in their devotion to God, a Saints Resource report said. To help the family financially, St. Isidore worked at a wealthy estate in Madrid. He took time to attend morning Mass almost every day. That led his fellow farmhands to think he was lazy because he started work late. After hearing complaints, the estate owner, Juan de Vargas, went to review Isidore's work. He reported seeing two angels guiding the plow. 

Vargas also said Isidore saved the lives of his daughter and one of his horses, the Saints Resource report said. 

St. Isidore had a deep caring for poor people and animals, a Franciscan Media report said. Another of the miracles associated with him involves him providing food for the  poor. 

Pope Paul V beatified Isidore in 1619, and Pope Gregory XV canonized him in 1622, Catholic.org said. His feast day is celebrated on May 15.

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Diocese of Winona-Rochester

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