
HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH: Mass Intentions for the Week of Feb. 26


Press release submission Feb 22, 2023

Upcoming Mass times intentions for Holy Trinity Catholic Church in West Bend, WI | Holy Trinity Catholic Church in West Bend, WI

Here are upcoming Mass times intentions for Holy Trinity Catholic Church in West Bend, WI:

Monday, February 27 St. Gregory of Narek, Abbot and Doctor of the Church

No Liturgical Service

Tuesday, February 28 Lenten Weekday

8:00 AM + Vicky Feucht  

Wednesday, March 1 Lenten Weekday

8:00 AM + Steve Jacoby

Thursday, March 2 Lenten Weekday 

8:00 AM + Special Inten on for the Stroebel Family

6:00 PM Sta'ons of the Cross

Friday, March 3 St. Katharine Drexel, Virgin; World Day of Prayer 

8:00 AM + Chris Wesolowicz

Adora'on Following the 8 AM Mass with Reposi'on at Noon

Saturday, March 4 Second Sunday of Lent  Vigil

4:15 PM + Sharon Ogle

Sunday, March 5 Second Sunday of Lent

8:00 AM + Mary Luckow

10:30 AM + For the people of Holy Trinity

Original source can be found here

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